Neon tetra water temp
Neon tetra water temp

neon tetra water temp

These can provide a valuable secondary food source for fry and the humic substances released by the decaying leaves are also considered beneficial, with alder cones also useful in this respect. The addition of dried leaf litter would further emphasise the natural feel and as well as offering additional cover for the fish brings with it the growth of microbe colonies as decomposition occurs.


It perhaps looks best in a heavily-planted set-up or natural-style arrangement comprising a sandy substrate plus some driftwood roots and branches. Maintenance generally presents few problems although a degree of care is necessary since fish in the trade are exclusively collected in the wild and can be sensitive, especially post-import. Other aquarium filters which have been recommended highly by customers in your area can be found here. Maximum Standard LengthĪn aquarium with base dimensions of 45 ∗ 30 cm or larger is recommended. simulans also tends to occur in warmer waters. axelrodi the two are not found together and P. The water is typically acidic, of negligible carbonate hardness and conductivity and stained brownish due to the presence of humic substances released by decomposing organic matter.Īlthough it occurs over a similar range to P. Such habitats typically contain slow to moderately-flowing water with thick, often overhanging, riparian vegetation and sandy substrates covered in fallen branches, tree roots and leaf litter. axelrodi this species is an exclusive inhabitant of blackwater environments and tends to be found only in the upper, terra firme, reaches of tributary drainages. Type locality was originally given as ‘Rio Purus, Manaus, Brazil’ but this was later corrected to the rio Jufaris, an affluent of the rio Negro located just upstream of the latter’s confluence with the rio Branco in Amazonas state, Brazil. Known from the middle-to-upper rio Negro drainage, Brazil upstream of the mouth of its principal tributary the rio Branco, plus the Río Orinoco system in the border region of Venezuela and Colombia, between San Fernando de Atabapo and the mouth of the Río Meta. Order: Characiformes Family: Characidae Distribution Simulans: from the Latin simulans, meaning ‘imitating, copying’. Paracheirodon: from the Ancient Greek παρά (pará), meaning ‘related to’, and the generic name Cheirodon. Hyphessobrycon simulans Géry, 1963 Etymology Paracheirodon simulans (GÉRY, 1963) Green Neon Tetra Synonyms Top ↑

Neon tetra water temp